ACHPS Accounts Receivables Conversion

Checks received in the mail for receivables collections can now be converted to electronic items and collected via ACHPS' ARC Gateway.  Utilizing this method will assure you of First In - First Out treatment, as well as allow you to enjoy the cost benefits of automation.

With ACHPS' ARC Internet based imaging solutions, all your checks received in the mail can be scanned right into our image archive.  The transaction is then sent through the Automated Clearing House as an ACH item, with our comprehensive reporting providing a full audit trail.


Benefits to using the Accounts Receivable Conversion system include:

  • ARC items are normally processed in the early morning hours before banks are even open, and before check processing, so available funds are committed to electronic transactions before the paper items.
  • Converting paper checks can dramatically reduce labor costs and automate check processing utilizing today's scanning technologies
  • High volume check processing should not have to be a labor intensive aspect of your business

Returned item notification is provided in real time, on a daily basis for immediate return to collections processing, or can be resubmitted immediately or scheduled for representment along with returned fees.

With a wide array of features, AHPS' Accounts Receivable Conversion product has multiple interfaces to meet your needs.  They include the Panini MyVisionX high-speed series of imagers for direct transfer of data, and images for processing and archival on the ACHPS Gateway.

With ARC you no longer have to make deposit slips and carry consumer checks received in the mail to the bank.  Simply log into the ACHPS Gateway, slip checks into the imager, type in the consumers' name and dollar amount, and commit the transactions.  You're done!  The checks will be processed electronically through the Automated Clearing House, and the image is safely stored on ACHPS' secure servers.


ACH Payment Solutions Inc. - 320 Whittington Parkway - Suite 215 - Louisville, KY 40222 - Phone 502-339-9550 - Toll Free 855-339-9550
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